Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two less teef

Today was a pretty scary day two teeth have left my face I will miss the always and forever. Lets see woke up super early to feed horses and the rush to got get teeth The process was actually very interesting when I wasn't full of anxiety. First they make you go run to the other building to get the wire of of your braces then you come back and sit in the big bad dental chair which feels like something for poltergeist. Then they Stick these two swabs of numbing medication in your mouth for the needles which by the way it looks like a walrus with the two sticks coming out of your mouth. Shortly after wards they stick a really big needle in you gums to numb you up even more and the one thats the funnest is the shots to the pallet oh yeah. After all of this they take this small screw driver looking thing to loosen the teeth and you say to your self" oh this cant be bad" but then the take this giant pair of weird looking pliers and rip you teeth right of of your face. For now I am on the liquid diet for a few day but all in all it wasn't all that bad

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