Monday, January 4, 2010

The life Appitude and God Knows What Else of Fredy the Ferret

Fredy a great companion and a very old one at that. Fredy was born some time back in early 2000's. He's been having a pretty tough go, when he was 2 he had ferret ulsors that nearly killed him but with the help of his owner Susan and a vet they got him back to his happy ferret self. Although not everything went so swell in 2005 Fredy was in a dogs mouth, he was also nearly killed by this but after recovering he was well again. In 2009 his cage mate died and Fredy went in a deep depression afterwards which was soon followed by a series of life threatening convulsions Fredy thought he was going to meet his friend very soon. When his owner Susan saw these convulsions she took him to bed with her thinking it was his last night. Thankfully it wasn't, the next morning "he was very peppy" says Susan and now he lives under her sink in her bedroom.
"Every once in a while he will pass out and go into convulsions but all I have to do is rap him up in a towel and put him next to me in bed and then he will be fine" Says Susan. know he shares his life with all the dogs and cats. He is a survivor and I guess he just keeps fighting to not leave.

This has been a report by Dylan Murphy
and interviews with Susan Murphy

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