Thursday, January 28, 2010


My greatest piece of snow board equipment right know would probably have to be my balaclava. when either i'm scooping horse poop or ripping face shots of the mountain this thing keeps my face nice and toasty and its extremely comfy its like a marshmallow hugging your face.....yeah. Anyways hopefully I will be using it in the near future on the mountain for some epic pow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Livin large

As you can see I am obviously living large. What is more baller then having an old beat up GTO in you room I mean honestly who has this privilege. Every time I get down all I have to do is look at the smashed up rear end of the car and say to myself you know i'm just glad that thats not me. In all seriousness I do enjoy having the car down there and occasionally helping my dad work on it. One day the thing is going to look day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Different Kind of Galisteo

Usually in the summer the Galisteo is bone dry but I guess the same rules do not apply in the winter. Right now it looks like something out of a brochure to Canada with the little snow and ice covered streams. The only sad thing about this is I did not see any animal tracks at all.....none. Anyways This is one of the big reasons I love the winter and I hope it stays like this for a while. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snow blind

Snow blind I cant see a thing AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I know that was a very realistic and intense impersonation of myself this morning when I went outside to get some fresh air when a wall of white hit me. It was like something out of a natural disaster movie. I couldn't see thirty feet in front of myself so I quickly retreated into the house away from the storm. One thing I can say about the weather out here that is different than the weather back east is that you can take one of the more major storms there and multiply them by ten and thats what its like out here.


Finally in Cerrillos we get more snow than two inches. When I went to bed I heard rain, when I woke up I saw white blankets covering the junipers and fields. I get so excited over these snows and well I wanted to break out my board so bad. Instead I got to watch the snow melt from inside all day.......... . Next time it snow I'm definatley breaking out the board for sure!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Brain Surgery

Frisco are new dog finally got neutered. He was really out of it when he came home all drugged up and it was like another dog ...very very calm. I think know all hes going to be interested in is chewing bones and sitting on the couch. All and all Frisco will be quite a bit less frisky.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Gift

This is pretty weird but on the way to get my teeth pulled yesterday I had a talk with my step mom about how it never really rains here and it's sad some times.So later that night I fell asleep listening to Bob Dylan, then in the middle of the night I woke up turned my I pod off. Before I went back to sleep I noticed a sound that does not come very often around here...yes it was rain. I must of stayed up for another hour just listening to the sound. I didn't realize it until I woke up the next morning that hey it was kind of like a gift the first rain all winter and it was right after I had the the talk with Susan and after getting my teeth pulled I think of it as a get well present ha ha really weird and cool.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two less teef

Today was a pretty scary day two teeth have left my face I will miss the always and forever. Lets see woke up super early to feed horses and the rush to got get teeth The process was actually very interesting when I wasn't full of anxiety. First they make you go run to the other building to get the wire of of your braces then you come back and sit in the big bad dental chair which feels like something for poltergeist. Then they Stick these two swabs of numbing medication in your mouth for the needles which by the way it looks like a walrus with the two sticks coming out of your mouth. Shortly after wards they stick a really big needle in you gums to numb you up even more and the one thats the funnest is the shots to the pallet oh yeah. After all of this they take this small screw driver looking thing to loosen the teeth and you say to your self" oh this cant be bad" but then the take this giant pair of weird looking pliers and rip you teeth right of of your face. For now I am on the liquid diet for a few day but all in all it wasn't all that bad

Friday, January 8, 2010

When Susan calls

When Susan calls animals respond. I'm not really sure what it is but my step mom is like some sort of animal magnet. I mean honestly we have nine dogs 3 cats 6 horses and 5 rats wow is that a lot or what. Just when we think thats enough well more keep coming its like stray dogs know they will have a good home here. I just think it's kind of funny she should play they female version of pet detective Ace Ventura That would be a hit. Here is just a picture of her on her usual downtime.

When Susan calls

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Horses

We got some new horses a paint and a zebra dun. Susan my step mom got two new horses in south western New Mexico, There pretty calm and gentle. My brothers have ridden them, I have yet to ride these horses. Although I have had the liberty of scooping up there poop.....yeah. Soon though I will be going with Susan to this guys ranch to get the colts warmed up again. The Zebra Dun is My horse his name is Zorro and Susan's horse is Sly. So im looking forward to going to get up on my new horse soo yeah soon enough this will happen. in one of the
pictures Sly has a bloody nose poor guy its the cold weather

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Butter Balled Birds

Mother Nature is being thrown of on the Little Creek but maybe actually it's not. Maybe were feeding them so much that when they get eaten by the predators that there even more hearty and plentiful. So heres the steps to making really fat birds. Step 1: Get a bird feeder and hang it in a tree near your house. Step 2: Get LOTS of bird feed I mean boxes of it. Step 3: Put Bird feed in feeder EVERY DAY this way the get used to this as there main food source and then become really lazy and fat like humans. Step 4: sit back and watch the show.

Ms. Holly

Holly is one of the three new animals to the little creek ranch. Shes a Calico and has a very shy personality, She likes pina coladas getting caught in the rain and long walks on the beach.... not reallybut she does like spending time in the window sill. Anyways she will not tolerate any dogs trying to mess with her, she is very pretty and very soft. I think she will make it just fine out her in rural areas of New Mexico.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The life Appitude and God Knows What Else of Fredy the Ferret

Fredy a great companion and a very old one at that. Fredy was born some time back in early 2000's. He's been having a pretty tough go, when he was 2 he had ferret ulsors that nearly killed him but with the help of his owner Susan and a vet they got him back to his happy ferret self. Although not everything went so swell in 2005 Fredy was in a dogs mouth, he was also nearly killed by this but after recovering he was well again. In 2009 his cage mate died and Fredy went in a deep depression afterwards which was soon followed by a series of life threatening convulsions Fredy thought he was going to meet his friend very soon. When his owner Susan saw these convulsions she took him to bed with her thinking it was his last night. Thankfully it wasn't, the next morning "he was very peppy" says Susan and now he lives under her sink in her bedroom.
"Every once in a while he will pass out and go into convulsions but all I have to do is rap him up in a towel and put him next to me in bed and then he will be fine" Says Susan. know he shares his life with all the dogs and cats. He is a survivor and I guess he just keeps fighting to not leave.

This has been a report by Dylan Murphy
and interviews with Susan Murphy

Frisco gets Frisky

Don't get me wrong the dog is cool it's just after every morning when I come up to the house every morning for breakfast the living rooms a mess whether its paper, plants, lefts overs, or cat food cans the dog just has no manors. So one of the days i'm going to get a pinch collar for him and do some training to see if he will stop making a mess I mean because this is getting to be ridiculous, in the mean time he will lay out by the sun and relax.