Thursday, May 20, 2010


Another really cool movie I saw on my Netflix marathon was Diggers. This movie is about clam diggers in the long island sound that took place in the 80s. The big plot was that a company south shell made it illegal to dig on certain waters so most of the clam diggers were going broke. It really showed the average life of clam diggers and what the went through back in the day. I really thought tthe movie was good even though it was a little slow and it stared one of my favorite actors "Paul Rudd". I really thought it was good but most people might not like it.

Sky Capitan

Since I have finally downloaded silver light on my computer I can now watch Netflix instant watch movies. he movie is about a evil scientist that creates robots to destroy cities and get DNA so he can build and ark to fly to space as the world blows up when he leaves. Also threes this pilot with a bad ass fighter plane with a bunch of cool extras so basically if James Bond had a plane it would be this one. So the plot is Joe trying to stop the scientist and its actually a really cool movie. Its good watch it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Iron Man 2

I don't know why everyone keeps on saying that Iron Man 1 was so much better than Iron Man 2 because I strongly disagree. I guess you have to of had to read some of the comics to really understand the whole story. like for instance one of Tony's new suits "War Machine" and nobody knew what the big deal was about that. Well in the comic Tony's friend takes the suit to help him fight whiplash but the suits screws up his brain and he becomes a bad guy, in the movie that does not happen at all. Also the whole thing with the S.H.E.I.L.D. agency nobody under stud but since I read the comics I did. Although they made Samuel Jackson the head of shield which was a little strange since the director of shield in the comic was built like a tank had white and black hair and a scraggly beard but I guess Samuel was bad ass enough to play the part. I really like the movie and I thought Scarlet Johansoon was extremely hot by the way.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Sandia has amazing climbing but it is most recognized for the tall multi pitch climbs at the top and not really famous for the amazing bouldering in the foothills. The area is called U-Mound and has the easiest acces to the area than any other Ive been to. The rock is AMAZING it is pure granite stone and is great for friction and well.......cutting up your hands. I love the place and it has alot of really cool nobby boulder problems.

How to Train your Dragon 3-D

When I first heard about the movie I though" ehhh what a waist of time". Then I kept hearing great reviews about it and thought to my self "hmmm maybe its not so bad but still I wasn't so hyped up on the idea". Then the family decided to see it as a family movie night. When I was on the way to the movie I was still think waist of time but when the movie started, not even five minutes in I loved it already. I loved the animation the acting and the storyline. I thought the whole movie was amazing. I don't really want to say anything about it because it's so good all I have to say is go see it one of the best movies of the year!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mad Pad

I have finally got a crash pad for bouldering. Now when I take a fall I can save my body from well.....breaking it's self. The crash pad i got is called the "Mad Pad" from Mad Rock climbing. It has an amazing five inches of foam, two inches of closed cell foam and three inches of open cell foam. It has a ton of handles for dragging around and has a carpet to keep you climbing shoe rubber nice and clean. One more thing though this pad also converts into a small chair/couch type thing which is awesome for when you want to chill. I really like the pad and its already saved my spine a number of times really like couldn't ask for anything else.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Soft baby

Since the Maggie had her baby on May day its been about a week since. Everything seems to be fine with the baby. Let me tell you he is sooooooo soft and his main his like human hair. it was only the second day before he was born and he came up to me and let me pet him. Now every time I come to clean up the pens he come up to me and lets me pet him before mom takes him away. Really he is just a friendly little guy and I really like him

My first 5.10

So since I have been climbing a lot I have defiantly been progressing. First time out doors I could barley do a 5.6 now I can dance up 5.8. When I go to a climbing gym I find it a great way to get over fears of falling and just have fun and progress. Recently I was at the Santa Fe climbing gym after going to Diablo Canyon for climbing. I was doing 5.8 and 5.9 routes with ease and I decided to step it up and challenge my self. I gave a nice 5.10 a try and had a good burn and got about 3/4 of the way up and the ran out of gas and fell. The whole time i was a t the gym I just projected the route and before we were going to leave I tried it again and got it. couldn't believe it but sadly it was indoors. I guess its just time to step it up and do a five ten outdoors.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Beh Beh

Finally after all the staying home for the mare and parents switching beetween sleeping in the barn the Maggie finally had her beh beh. So on May first " MAY DAY" at around 7:15 in the morning she had her baby. My dad heard here and then went out to check the situation and saw the baby coming. He noticed that the sack around the baby wasnt breaking so he had to cut it and get it of the baby so it could breath. My dad saved the baby which was good and the baby was standing up and getting milk very quickly. All seems well with the baby lets just hope they stay that way.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Date Night

Date Night is a movie about a married couple that is trying to spice up their relation ship and not be so......dull any more. So they go for dinner in New York city and try to get into this restaurant but they hadn't made a reservation and the place is booked. So when a party's name was called but they we rent there so Phil and Claire took there reservation. While there there couple of guys take them out back and ask them we res the flash drive there confused with this but its because they took the reservation from somebody who stole a flash drive from a gang lord so through the whole movie there trying to evade bad guys and find the people with the flash drive. I thought I could have been better but there were a few laughs and I thought Steve Carell could have few more break lose moments but I like it over all.

Cats and Dogs

An old time myth is that dogs hate cats and cats hate dogs. I think this is highly mistaken because look at this picture. Holt the cat and Frisco and Hank are cuddeling on the couch together. Ok in the begining they werent to freindly with each other but now look at this they are prectically best buds. I just hope other cats and dogs get along as well as these guys do.

Mountain Lion Tracks

When I was on the recent hike with my dad we found a mountain lion track. What was even more interesting was the rabbit tracks right next to the lion tracks. Sadly I stepped in track a little but it still has the clear w shape to it. We know that we have lions around but I didnt think they would be so close to the house. Hopefully I never have to be face to face with one.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bouldering Project

On my little mountain theres tones of rock. Sadly most of it is to crumbly to climb on, although I have found a little overhanging problem in one of the caves. To me the problems pretty hard and its even harder if you start from a sit down. I havent gotten very far with it because I really dont have the strenght for it....yet. It starts of with a horizontal crack then you heel hook and from there its nothing but crimp and pinch holds. Hopefully ill get one of these days.

11 point buck rack

While I was having a nice hike with my dad he saw a huge buck rack just laying in the desert. We incpected it and saw some of the spinal cord was stil in tact. We thought maybe a mountain lion had gotten it but then realized it probably died of old age. Theres even some hair still on the skull so maybe it died this winter. I think it s a pretty good find dont you?

Stone Age Climbing Gym

Another place I like to climb Is Stone Age Climbing Gym. Stone Age is in Albuqurque and is the biggest climbing gym in New Mexico. What can I say this place is tons of fun from the 60 foot high walls to the two giant bouldering caves this place has got it all. The main reason I come to Stone Age is to get stronger for climbing and to get in shape for the 15 pitch needle climb in the Sandias this fall. One thing I need to do here is get tested for lead climbing so I can do there gigantic arch. This is just a really good place to mess around in.

White Rocks New Mexico

White Rocks one of the best places to climb in New Mexico. I has everything from easy acces to stunning veiws and above all great rock. Also the people that climb there are extremely nice to. I remmember a group of guys accidentally tied their rope to the top anchor and another gut lent them his brand new rope to go get theirs. THe place that I climb in white rocks is awesome beacause the climbing grades range from 5.4 to 5.12 so theres a pretty good variety. And the rock has really fun little edgers and tond of little finger pockets since its mostley volcanic rock. Anyways it's my favorite place to climb and I hope to go there more often.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Terrible rope

Yes again my dad and I have upgraded our climbing rack with a new rope. Although this time were not to happy with the purchase. The rope is a Eldewiess Axis 60 m in lenght. When me and my dad got it we were so pumped on it but then when we went to go use it it got tangled up on the first lead climb and from then on it just didnt have the right feel to it and its a major pain in the ass to belay with. Hopefully we can return it and get something else like a petzl or mammut rope instead. Overall im really disapointed with it.

New harness

Again I am slowly uprgrading by getting my own gear instead of using my dads 20 year old harnesses they just semmed a little unsafe so again I went to the magical store rei and got a new black diamond momentum harness. I like it alot even though its on the lower scale for harnesses. I like the padding and the stiff gear loops isprobably the best thing. I love the harness over all and hopefully it keeps on protecting me

Evolv Defys

Rock climbing is awesome hands down, But theres also alot of gear you need. the most important gear you need is climbing shoes. So instead of using my dad 20 year old five ten razors I decided i needed My own pair. After actually going climbing I went to rei and got a pair of evolv defys. I love the shoes especially the velcro its so nice to take shoes of with such ease and the mesh tounges and the sticky eco trax rubber. The only thing is i got mine a little big so they work fine for sport climbing but for bouldering there not so great.

Hot Tub Time Machine

This movie is some kind of stupid let me tell you. Its all about a group of friends going to An old ski town they went to in the late 80s so they could keep an eye on their friend who tried to comiet suicide. When they go into a hot tub it sends them back in time to the 80s. While there in the 80s the have to do everything exactly the way they did back in the day other wise one of the characters little nephews will disapper because he will have been disrupted from the past. I really didnt think the movie was all that great it had a few laughs but over all i didnt think it desearved a medal.


The new movie craze hase been to go see Kick-ass. The story of some vigilantes trying to be super heros by kicking bad guys asses. So the movie gos on with acotrs like Nicholas Cage to Christopher Mintz. Also their is this amazing bad ass little girl in the movie that kills a bunch of guys with knives ,guns etc. I remmember an interview she had and she said she did about 1000 situps evryday and 50 pull ups I guess she does most of her stunts. I thought the movie was pretty good although most people thought it sucked but aging I though it was good.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lakes in New Mexico

Another great camping trip i recently had in New Mexico was Lake Cochiti. I was surprised to hear there was a lake in New Mexico. Athough it is pretty samall it is still fun. Our crew camped not exactly on the water but pretty close and did a variety of thing from kayaking to canoeing to picking up trash. It was cold at night and even though we werent aloud to have a fire we ate some amazing green chilie stew. It was definitely an fun water experience in New Mexico.

Cold wheather survival

I am currently involved in a venture crew. So we go camping every now and again....well one trip was a cold wheather survival trip. We camped in about 2 to 3 feet of snow. It was extremely fun and the fact that nobody go hypothermia or frost bite is amazing. One bad thing about the trip was out stoves didnt work so we had to cook everything over and open fire which resulted in a burnt hand. Also we had to make our own shelters out of ..... snow. The process is find a really deep snowy place then dig out out spot then fill it back up with snow and pile a lot of snow on top of it then let the snow settle for an hour the dig a small door and then carve it out. It was a long process but it was warm and nice overall awesome trip.

The break up

I have been on a movie watching streak lately and the break has made Vince Vaughn one of my favorite actors. He and Jennifer Aniston have amazing chemistry. They are two amazing actors. It is mainly a comedy movie with some drama. It is about Vince getting in a fight with Jennifer and ending with them breaking up hence the name The Break Up. Vince and Jennifer go through the whole movie trying to make each other jealous pretty hilarious watch it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Drum set

I have just bought me a drum set woot woot. It is my third drum set I have owned and is probably the best minus the cymbals. It is a Pearl Forum five peice with a 12 inch mounted tom 14inch mounted tom and a 16 inch floor tom.....pretty sweet. It has actually wood in it and has a pretty rich tone really like and the price was right now I just have to save up for some better cymbals.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring cleaning the Straw bail

Winter blues are starting to fade away for a lot of people. So they feel energized like a bunch of speed freaks running around cleaning up there house with nothing else to do. Well I had to join the club. I should have taken before and after pictures but i only have the clean ones. Boy I had a bunch to do from cleaning stuff out of boxes to putting things back into boxes to cleaning two large rugs with a tiny shop vac that covered maybe four inches of area on the carpet. I got it done though with my trusty buddies windex and orange pledge cleaning of the counter tops. Though I really dont like spring cleaning so Im done until about a year.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Point Break

Point Break is an amazing movie. It is about a bunch of surfers that rob banks and dress up as former presidents hence the name the ex presidents. There is this FBI agent Johnny Utah that is trying to catch them. There is tons of action from gun fights to......fist fights to sky diving and lots of surfing. This is an amazing movie I highly recommend it......WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!

Rock climbing gear

My dad has been into rock climbing since the early 90s. I was not real excited to go rock climbing when I was younger because all I thought was if you fall you die. Later in my teens I started researchingrock climmbing and found out that there was protection from falling with things like harnesses, Ropes, belay devices, and cams. So know that I have found out that you wont die if you fall I have been obsessed with rock climbing. Since I usually dont have a partner to climb with all I use is rock climbing shoes and a chalk bag a free solo climb which if you fall you die or get injured....kind of an moronic right. Well know that my dad is ready to climb again he has a bunch of climbing gear to use so I wont die yeaaaaaaaaaaa. I cant wait to do some sport climbing.

Snow yet again

This has been a great winter for New Mexico with all the snow we have been having. This will also translate into a great summer with all the moisture. We have had our biggest snow about three weeks ago for the winter coming in at about a foot maybe a foot and a half. it was so bad that the dog kennels had ice walls on them so you couldn't even see the dogs and the horse pen became a swampy mess. I like snow but I think ill just stick to rain for the rest of the year.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4-H Dance

for an early celebration of saint pattys the 4-H decided to hold a dance. Me being a city boy i thought it was just going to be a regular dance. Oh but it wasn't it was country dancing, I really didn't know how to country dance until one of my friends dragged me on the dance floor and taught me how to two steep. I was also harrased by many a girls who wanted to dance maybe it was the moves on the dance floor......or not. Any ways it was a good time.

Acting class

I have been taking acting classes for a while now with the best film instructor in the state Steve Willmun. I am currently taking a cold read class and a film acting class. The truly are great except for the part in the cold read class when Steve acts like acting Jesus in his tall directors chair staring down on us going ok again.......again....... ok again but this time really figure out the character find the mood and the tone of the character ok go............ just give it to me. Yeah anyways the lesson are great and here are some pictures.

Rail runner

Finally I have ridden the Rail Runner. At first i thought it would be all nasty and filthy and have a bunch of creepers on it but no I was wrong. I is actually very plush with an upper deck. There are also so many people talking about Robert Redford on it as well. There is also tones of amazing graphiti on the way. Also as a plus when you get to ABQ you get to see a homeless guy taking a leak on the plat form.


Recently me and my dad played hookie for a day and decided to drive 200 mile south to go snow boarding weird right. So the place was called ski Apache. Apache is located near Roswell in a little town called Ruidoso. The views going up to the 12000 foot summit were amazing. As far as the snowboarding goes, it was pretty spanktacular. We were there the day after a storm on a wensday so were two of maybe 15 people the whole day. Apache has some alpine sonwboarding which is awesome because its in this open faced bowl. Since there were no trees it was easy to do alot of butters and rooster tails and basically just ride down the mountain like a floating sausage. I honestly cant wait to go back to bad its almost to Mexico.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Waters Back

For about a week this house has been terrible. we have had absolutely no water pressure at all. So you basically cant take a shower unless you like the water pressure of about a four year old peeing on you. After buying water tanks the idea of cutting into pipes and anything you can think of changing the water filter was the only problem. Good thing none of my parents are plumbers or they would be out of a job.

Sixth snow

Cerrillos has had a pretty awesome winter as far as a snowfall this year. This is probably the sixth snow worth counting this year. It was only about two or three inches but sill I mean come on. Any ways It is good for snowboarding since the season is winding down. Anyways yeah.......

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dad The Artist

Since my dad is obsessed with hot rods and pin striping is very big in hot rod culture it is like a match made in heaven. Almost everyday my dad gets his pin striping kit out and paractice making his weird creations. Last night he did some free hand work on a piece of metal and I personally think it turned out pretty well. so here are some pics.