Friday, May 7, 2010

My first 5.10

So since I have been climbing a lot I have defiantly been progressing. First time out doors I could barley do a 5.6 now I can dance up 5.8. When I go to a climbing gym I find it a great way to get over fears of falling and just have fun and progress. Recently I was at the Santa Fe climbing gym after going to Diablo Canyon for climbing. I was doing 5.8 and 5.9 routes with ease and I decided to step it up and challenge my self. I gave a nice 5.10 a try and had a good burn and got about 3/4 of the way up and the ran out of gas and fell. The whole time i was a t the gym I just projected the route and before we were going to leave I tried it again and got it. couldn't believe it but sadly it was indoors. I guess its just time to step it up and do a five ten outdoors.

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