Friday, March 26, 2010

Drum set

I have just bought me a drum set woot woot. It is my third drum set I have owned and is probably the best minus the cymbals. It is a Pearl Forum five peice with a 12 inch mounted tom 14inch mounted tom and a 16 inch floor tom.....pretty sweet. It has actually wood in it and has a pretty rich tone really like and the price was right now I just have to save up for some better cymbals.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring cleaning the Straw bail

Winter blues are starting to fade away for a lot of people. So they feel energized like a bunch of speed freaks running around cleaning up there house with nothing else to do. Well I had to join the club. I should have taken before and after pictures but i only have the clean ones. Boy I had a bunch to do from cleaning stuff out of boxes to putting things back into boxes to cleaning two large rugs with a tiny shop vac that covered maybe four inches of area on the carpet. I got it done though with my trusty buddies windex and orange pledge cleaning of the counter tops. Though I really dont like spring cleaning so Im done until about a year.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Point Break

Point Break is an amazing movie. It is about a bunch of surfers that rob banks and dress up as former presidents hence the name the ex presidents. There is this FBI agent Johnny Utah that is trying to catch them. There is tons of action from gun fights to......fist fights to sky diving and lots of surfing. This is an amazing movie I highly recommend it......WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!

Rock climbing gear

My dad has been into rock climbing since the early 90s. I was not real excited to go rock climbing when I was younger because all I thought was if you fall you die. Later in my teens I started researchingrock climmbing and found out that there was protection from falling with things like harnesses, Ropes, belay devices, and cams. So know that I have found out that you wont die if you fall I have been obsessed with rock climbing. Since I usually dont have a partner to climb with all I use is rock climbing shoes and a chalk bag a free solo climb which if you fall you die or get injured....kind of an moronic right. Well know that my dad is ready to climb again he has a bunch of climbing gear to use so I wont die yeaaaaaaaaaaa. I cant wait to do some sport climbing.

Snow yet again

This has been a great winter for New Mexico with all the snow we have been having. This will also translate into a great summer with all the moisture. We have had our biggest snow about three weeks ago for the winter coming in at about a foot maybe a foot and a half. it was so bad that the dog kennels had ice walls on them so you couldn't even see the dogs and the horse pen became a swampy mess. I like snow but I think ill just stick to rain for the rest of the year.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4-H Dance

for an early celebration of saint pattys the 4-H decided to hold a dance. Me being a city boy i thought it was just going to be a regular dance. Oh but it wasn't it was country dancing, I really didn't know how to country dance until one of my friends dragged me on the dance floor and taught me how to two steep. I was also harrased by many a girls who wanted to dance maybe it was the moves on the dance floor......or not. Any ways it was a good time.

Acting class

I have been taking acting classes for a while now with the best film instructor in the state Steve Willmun. I am currently taking a cold read class and a film acting class. The truly are great except for the part in the cold read class when Steve acts like acting Jesus in his tall directors chair staring down on us going ok again.......again....... ok again but this time really figure out the character find the mood and the tone of the character ok go............ just give it to me. Yeah anyways the lesson are great and here are some pictures.

Rail runner

Finally I have ridden the Rail Runner. At first i thought it would be all nasty and filthy and have a bunch of creepers on it but no I was wrong. I is actually very plush with an upper deck. There are also so many people talking about Robert Redford on it as well. There is also tones of amazing graphiti on the way. Also as a plus when you get to ABQ you get to see a homeless guy taking a leak on the plat form.


Recently me and my dad played hookie for a day and decided to drive 200 mile south to go snow boarding weird right. So the place was called ski Apache. Apache is located near Roswell in a little town called Ruidoso. The views going up to the 12000 foot summit were amazing. As far as the snowboarding goes, it was pretty spanktacular. We were there the day after a storm on a wensday so were two of maybe 15 people the whole day. Apache has some alpine sonwboarding which is awesome because its in this open faced bowl. Since there were no trees it was easy to do alot of butters and rooster tails and basically just ride down the mountain like a floating sausage. I honestly cant wait to go back to bad its almost to Mexico.