Monday, November 16, 2009

The Rocker Revolution

Snowboarding is full of new ideas progression and technology. in the past couple of years the snowboarding world has changed so drastically. The reason being that there is something called rocker tech or or alternative camber, this is a twist on regular camber. Your probably going "what is camber?" The first picture shows how between the bindings there is an elevated are then after the binding area the board tips flip up. This style board is really aggressive and really easy to catch an edge but now that you know about traditional camber I can start to explain alternative camber. One style of A.C. is Rocker. Rocker is one continuous concave shape although it is very mellow you can see and feel the difference. Rocker is really easy to butter and press and is even really great for beginners since there is less chance of catching an edge and easier to enichate a turn, Also these boards float efortlously in powder. Next is Flat Camber This is more for a park or pipe rider. They also say that it is a happy medium for reverse and teraditional camber. Although this board is not as easy to float in powder it has great pop and is stable at high speed unlike rocker also with a catch free feeling on rail and other jibs. Last but not least is R.C. rocker camber, as if it couldnt get confusing enough they came out with a combination. The R.C. has rocker beetween the feet but has camber after the binding inserts. This board is brobably the most stable at high speeds next to traditional camber and the fun buttery feeling of rocker but alot of park rider feel that ithas a dead feel or no pop. I guess to really better understand you would have to try them out yourself, anyways live to shred and shred to live PEACE.

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