Sunday, October 4, 2009

Murphy the Survivor Dog

Murphy, My dog that has the heart of a lion, The brains of a sophisticated monkey, and the agility of a mountain goat. This dog has been through a lot, I first adopted Murphy at a local animal shelter. The officials at the shelter said that the original owners left him tied up on the fence one night. I felt so bad and he was just to cool to not have in my family. I am originally from Connecticut so this is were I originally got Murphy. He was a bit of a trouble dog always ending up in the pound for running away and such. One weekend I went snow boarding with my dad and step mom and heard the news that my dog had been run over. I was crushed inside and thought he was dead, it turns out that the car broke his leg so hard he had a compound fracture and had to have skin graphs, at least it didn't kill him. Since this was in the process of me moving to Virginia with my dad and step mom we were able to get Murphy the surgery and take him with me. Still the dog continued to run away but not to far only to the neighbors house or so. When we moved out here to New Mexico I was afraid he was going to get eaten by a coyote. Well Murphy just learned that simple life on a ranch is quite great so no longer does he go on his little expeditions, he has turned into quite the ranch dog taking naps in the hay or going on long hikes with me as you can see in this picture he is relaxing from the steady climb to the top of my backyard mountain. Long story short this dog is a survivor, a great companion, and one of my best friends.

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