Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Iron Man 2

I don't know why everyone keeps on saying that Iron Man 1 was so much better than Iron Man 2 because I strongly disagree. I guess you have to of had to read some of the comics to really understand the whole story. like for instance one of Tony's new suits "War Machine" and nobody knew what the big deal was about that. Well in the comic Tony's friend takes the suit to help him fight whiplash but the suits screws up his brain and he becomes a bad guy, in the movie that does not happen at all. Also the whole thing with the S.H.E.I.L.D. agency nobody under stud but since I read the comics I did. Although they made Samuel Jackson the head of shield which was a little strange since the director of shield in the comic was built like a tank had white and black hair and a scraggly beard but I guess Samuel was bad ass enough to play the part. I really like the movie and I thought Scarlet Johansoon was extremely hot by the way.

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