Thursday, May 20, 2010


Another really cool movie I saw on my Netflix marathon was Diggers. This movie is about clam diggers in the long island sound that took place in the 80s. The big plot was that a company south shell made it illegal to dig on certain waters so most of the clam diggers were going broke. It really showed the average life of clam diggers and what the went through back in the day. I really thought tthe movie was good even though it was a little slow and it stared one of my favorite actors "Paul Rudd". I really thought it was good but most people might not like it.

Sky Capitan

Since I have finally downloaded silver light on my computer I can now watch Netflix instant watch movies. he movie is about a evil scientist that creates robots to destroy cities and get DNA so he can build and ark to fly to space as the world blows up when he leaves. Also threes this pilot with a bad ass fighter plane with a bunch of cool extras so basically if James Bond had a plane it would be this one. So the plot is Joe trying to stop the scientist and its actually a really cool movie. Its good watch it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Iron Man 2

I don't know why everyone keeps on saying that Iron Man 1 was so much better than Iron Man 2 because I strongly disagree. I guess you have to of had to read some of the comics to really understand the whole story. like for instance one of Tony's new suits "War Machine" and nobody knew what the big deal was about that. Well in the comic Tony's friend takes the suit to help him fight whiplash but the suits screws up his brain and he becomes a bad guy, in the movie that does not happen at all. Also the whole thing with the S.H.E.I.L.D. agency nobody under stud but since I read the comics I did. Although they made Samuel Jackson the head of shield which was a little strange since the director of shield in the comic was built like a tank had white and black hair and a scraggly beard but I guess Samuel was bad ass enough to play the part. I really like the movie and I thought Scarlet Johansoon was extremely hot by the way.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Sandia has amazing climbing but it is most recognized for the tall multi pitch climbs at the top and not really famous for the amazing bouldering in the foothills. The area is called U-Mound and has the easiest acces to the area than any other Ive been to. The rock is AMAZING it is pure granite stone and is great for friction and well.......cutting up your hands. I love the place and it has alot of really cool nobby boulder problems.

How to Train your Dragon 3-D

When I first heard about the movie I though" ehhh what a waist of time". Then I kept hearing great reviews about it and thought to my self "hmmm maybe its not so bad but still I wasn't so hyped up on the idea". Then the family decided to see it as a family movie night. When I was on the way to the movie I was still think waist of time but when the movie started, not even five minutes in I loved it already. I loved the animation the acting and the storyline. I thought the whole movie was amazing. I don't really want to say anything about it because it's so good all I have to say is go see it one of the best movies of the year!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mad Pad

I have finally got a crash pad for bouldering. Now when I take a fall I can save my body from well.....breaking it's self. The crash pad i got is called the "Mad Pad" from Mad Rock climbing. It has an amazing five inches of foam, two inches of closed cell foam and three inches of open cell foam. It has a ton of handles for dragging around and has a carpet to keep you climbing shoe rubber nice and clean. One more thing though this pad also converts into a small chair/couch type thing which is awesome for when you want to chill. I really like the pad and its already saved my spine a number of times really like couldn't ask for anything else.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Soft baby

Since the Maggie had her baby on May day its been about a week since. Everything seems to be fine with the baby. Let me tell you he is sooooooo soft and his main his like human hair. it was only the second day before he was born and he came up to me and let me pet him. Now every time I come to clean up the pens he come up to me and lets me pet him before mom takes him away. Really he is just a friendly little guy and I really like him

My first 5.10

So since I have been climbing a lot I have defiantly been progressing. First time out doors I could barley do a 5.6 now I can dance up 5.8. When I go to a climbing gym I find it a great way to get over fears of falling and just have fun and progress. Recently I was at the Santa Fe climbing gym after going to Diablo Canyon for climbing. I was doing 5.8 and 5.9 routes with ease and I decided to step it up and challenge my self. I gave a nice 5.10 a try and had a good burn and got about 3/4 of the way up and the ran out of gas and fell. The whole time i was a t the gym I just projected the route and before we were going to leave I tried it again and got it. couldn't believe it but sadly it was indoors. I guess its just time to step it up and do a five ten outdoors.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Beh Beh

Finally after all the staying home for the mare and parents switching beetween sleeping in the barn the Maggie finally had her beh beh. So on May first " MAY DAY" at around 7:15 in the morning she had her baby. My dad heard here and then went out to check the situation and saw the baby coming. He noticed that the sack around the baby wasnt breaking so he had to cut it and get it of the baby so it could breath. My dad saved the baby which was good and the baby was standing up and getting milk very quickly. All seems well with the baby lets just hope they stay that way.