Monday, October 5, 2009

The Great Bob Dylan

Since my name is Dylan Murphy and I'm pretty sure my parents named me after Bob Dylan. I would have to say this is a pretty appropriate article to write about and he is a god of folk singing, but really does anyone understand what he is saying I mean on part in a verse he says " as pointed threats they bluff with scorn suicide remocsatorn from the fools gold mouth peace to the hollow horn he plays the wasted words blues to worn he not busy being born as busy dieing". Wow is all I can say to that if someone can analyze this and tell me what it means then you are a amazing. Personally I like his music its just very weird. I think its pretty cool that when he performed back in the sixties he left such an impact that people still listen to his music now. Bottom line he was a very gifted person and I think its pretty sweet that I'm named after him.

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