Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Since I have been going into Albuquerque on Mondays for acting lessons my parents also decided to put me in to drum lessons. They are extremely fun and creative in a way. What is actually really cool is that my teach was a backup drummer for Van Halen and thats all I can remember but among other very famous bands. So if you ever see me on TV or hear me on the the radio youll know why haha, thats not really my goal I just would like to have the ability to relax and play and instrument well and whats more relaxing than the drums. Just kidding and if I happen to get a kit in the near future Ill be sure to post some pictures

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Dog

Ok a new dog just what we need. Its not like the other 8 bother us or anything I think it just gets to the point of........oh who am I kidding this dog is awesome. We picked him up on the side of the road about a week ago. He's and Australian Blue Heeler, we don't know if he is going to stay with us but we have a temporary name for him Frisco since he didn't have any tags. He really gets along well with all the other dogs and especially likes my dog Murphy. If he does have to stay with us I don't think we will mind. As we speak he is sitting on my feet!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grand Parents

For the holidays gram ah and gram pa decided to come out to the land of enchantment for the holidays. They flew in on Tuesday and will be here for two whole weeks. As you can see the dogs and gram pa take a nap after reading lonesome dove. They seem to like New Mexico and the desert is different to them. Also gram ah is having some problems acclimating with the high elevation so hopefully that will go away soon. Ive been showing them around the property and the ruins and today I think I will take them to see the petroglyph's so may the happy holidays come to all!!!!!!!!!

Good Signal

For the holidays one of my presents came early. Courtesy of my mom she got me a new snowboard from this company Signal. The board Is reverse camber.... actually it is the most rocker board on the market. The company Signal is a small company based in southern So-Cal (California). Its rider owned by professional snowboarders. Also the board crafter worked for Mervin snowboards since he was right out of high school so they are really well crafted boards. For my board the Signal Park Rocker It has a three stage rocker a base beetween the bindings and a 10 mm rise after the bindings then flat and then the last tip at the end of the board. Hopefully it is a good board for a good season.

These boots are are made for walkin

The boots finally came in the ones that I won from trans world......there quite colorful. These boots are a limited edition for this year because, The snowboard company Stepchild and the boot company made a collaboration board and boot. I guess I got the boot. Anyways what I hear is that they are A great park boot and really warm. One cool feature on the boot which i'm not to sure how to do is heat to foot beds for memory foam. Sounds good but you need to go to a dealer for it though Which I haven't gotten around to. Hopefully these boots are good luck and I have a good season.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It Worked

If you have been reading my blog you will have noticed that my very first blog was about me snowboarding on a manure pile. The reason being for that is it was a picture to an article that I sent to a snowboard magazine called Transworld snowboarding. The article was about how summer is over and winter is coming and hows some of us just have to improvise when there is no snow. Well long story short they took my article!!!!!!! and since i won letter of the month they sent me a free pair of snowboard boots. this is the picture that they used in the magazine.

Monday, November 30, 2009

No More Broken Wrist

That's right no more broken wrist for me. On December 4th Thursday I get my cast off woot woot.
I can't wait, except when I get it off my skins going to look like an alligator......oh well but also I got a penny stuck in there last night so when they saw it off that should be be interesting. Any way I'm probaqbly going to go snowboarding when I get it off. Big dumps here I come once more I miss the mountain soon enough it will be off though soon enough................

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Short Film

Oh yes my step mom helped with the idea that I should make a short film. Since it is the winter months of the year I will be writing,directing, and somewhat acting in the film about snowboarding. The basic plot is that these snowboarders love their local mountain Fox River, everything is swell until they come onto their favorite run on the mountain which is closed off with surveyor flags and a sign that says notice land closed for construction of condos and such. So these snowboarders need to find out what is happening and how to stop it to save their favorite part of the mountain. The film is mostly a comedy and has a lot of amazing snowboarding.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Rocker Revolution

Snowboarding is full of new ideas progression and technology. in the past couple of years the snowboarding world has changed so drastically. The reason being that there is something called rocker tech or or alternative camber, this is a twist on regular camber. Your probably going "what is camber?" The first picture shows how between the bindings there is an elevated are then after the binding area the board tips flip up. This style board is really aggressive and really easy to catch an edge but now that you know about traditional camber I can start to explain alternative camber. One style of A.C. is Rocker. Rocker is one continuous concave shape although it is very mellow you can see and feel the difference. Rocker is really easy to butter and press and is even really great for beginners since there is less chance of catching an edge and easier to enichate a turn, Also these boards float efortlously in powder. Next is Flat Camber This is more for a park or pipe rider. They also say that it is a happy medium for reverse and teraditional camber. Although this board is not as easy to float in powder it has great pop and is stable at high speed unlike rocker also with a catch free feeling on rail and other jibs. Last but not least is R.C. rocker camber, as if it couldnt get confusing enough they came out with a combination. The R.C. has rocker beetween the feet but has camber after the binding inserts. This board is brobably the most stable at high speeds next to traditional camber and the fun buttery feeling of rocker but alot of park rider feel that ithas a dead feel or no pop. I guess to really better understand you would have to try them out yourself, anyways live to shred and shred to live PEACE.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


When I was in Moab, Utah I had a little time to relax from the mountain biking and enjoy the Arches national park.There was supposedly over 5000 arches in the park although we only got to see a few it was still pretty cool. Here are pictures of the north and south windows with friends Bart and Aron.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sorry MT. Poopular

Sorry are the words but as you know the time has come and I have to shred actual mountains now. I'm so excited about it I don't know what to think of it all. I'm used to the east coast were there is usually not much snow but here its like a winter paradise in the desert. Sorry MT.Poo Is going to have to wait until next year.


For all snowboarders alike the time has come winter is around the corner and this morning Cerrillos New Mexico got a taste. This small quite town hasn't seen the white fluff since mid April,today the change has come the fields filled with blankets of white the rooftops submerged in white cream and above all the horse pen is filled with white dumps. May I say it one more time............ the time has come!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Cave..........Duh Duh Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Among the many cool things around my house I have a mountain. To me this is a very special mountain I can go collect my thoughts there I could take a short hike or study the cave.....duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Actually its not really deep and scary but it does have a fire pit in it which im sure is pretty old since it is the same stone as the ruins. Also it has some dates and names in it which makes me come to a conclusion that it was primarily used by setlers with dates like 1880 and names like Max. I dont think very many Indians were named Max. These are the pictures I took and I threw water on the dates and names so they would come out better but dont worry I didnt hurt them.


Among old Settlers in the 1800s way before that Indians lived here and they left a trace behind with petroglyphs, petroglyphs are marking made in stone or rock. They usually tell a history because people try to document their lifestyle, but back in the day rock and stone is all the had im not to sure what these mean but obviously the horse means they were using horses or something like that. Well Enjoy!


Hmmmmm I'm not sure but I think that is how you spell the name of the ghost town I live in. Yeah that's right I said ghost town, back in the 1800s the Gallisteo basin was inhabited by this little town called Ortiz. A lot of the ruins are actually on my ranch. I've heard that the settlers that tried to live here had a pretty touf go because the indians would come through and slaughter them. Sounds prety brutal but i guess thats how it was back then, kill or be killed right? Maybe not anyways just thought it would be cool to share my little knowlege on the whole scene.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Burner

I was recently in Angel Fire, New Mexico for a big mountain bike race. I actually was not racing but my dad and his friend were. The Race was 12 straight hours of hardcore downhill trails. Fortunately I still helped by being the one man pit crew, doing mechanics such a s bleeding brakes or helping with lighting mounts. Although we didn't place first are team Nova Gang placed third from last oh yeah, it was all in a days work. Also since the event was sponsored by Redbull energy drink I got all the free Redbull I wanted it was a dream come true. In conclusion it was a hardcore blast.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Think Im SICK

The tea,tissues,emergen-c,and cheez its, I think this is a sign of a cold. My dad came home with a cold a couple of days ago and thats what seems to be the culprit. I woke up with a runny nose and a little weezy. I said to myself "hmmmm if I want to go mountain biking this weekend I guess I shouldnt be sick". So for today I am simply going to reach the ultimatom of not being sick in my sick person grounds. Wish me luck..............please.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Great Bob Dylan

Since my name is Dylan Murphy and I'm pretty sure my parents named me after Bob Dylan. I would have to say this is a pretty appropriate article to write about and he is a god of folk singing, but really does anyone understand what he is saying I mean on part in a verse he says " as pointed threats they bluff with scorn suicide remocsatorn from the fools gold mouth peace to the hollow horn he plays the wasted words blues to worn he not busy being born as busy dieing". Wow is all I can say to that if someone can analyze this and tell me what it means then you are a amazing. Personally I like his music its just very weird. I think its pretty cool that when he performed back in the sixties he left such an impact that people still listen to his music now. Bottom line he was a very gifted person and I think its pretty sweet that I'm named after him.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Murphy the Survivor Dog

Murphy, My dog that has the heart of a lion, The brains of a sophisticated monkey, and the agility of a mountain goat. This dog has been through a lot, I first adopted Murphy at a local animal shelter. The officials at the shelter said that the original owners left him tied up on the fence one night. I felt so bad and he was just to cool to not have in my family. I am originally from Connecticut so this is were I originally got Murphy. He was a bit of a trouble dog always ending up in the pound for running away and such. One weekend I went snow boarding with my dad and step mom and heard the news that my dog had been run over. I was crushed inside and thought he was dead, it turns out that the car broke his leg so hard he had a compound fracture and had to have skin graphs, at least it didn't kill him. Since this was in the process of me moving to Virginia with my dad and step mom we were able to get Murphy the surgery and take him with me. Still the dog continued to run away but not to far only to the neighbors house or so. When we moved out here to New Mexico I was afraid he was going to get eaten by a coyote. Well Murphy just learned that simple life on a ranch is quite great so no longer does he go on his little expeditions, he has turned into quite the ranch dog taking naps in the hay or going on long hikes with me as you can see in this picture he is relaxing from the steady climb to the top of my backyard mountain. Long story short this dog is a survivor, a great companion, and one of my best friends.

The Great wall of Graffiti

Some people have obsessions, my personal obsession is snowboarding, for some others it's forms of art. Today I discovered the form of art, graffiti or tagging at its finest. There were tags that were more interesting then others my personal favorite the green and white letters, it is very hard to make out what the artist tried to spell. I wonder were they practice and how they know about this little spot under the railroad it makes me wonder if its anyone in they neighborhood. Anyways whoever it was is pretty good.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Mexican Shredding

We all know that winter is coming but for some snowboarders like myself I just cant wait. Since I live on a ranch there's lots of chores to be done. One of mine are cleaning out the horse pens. One day I was pretty bored and put the two and two together. Think about it a big mound of poo and the urge to be snowboarding as you can see I had a little fun with MT. Poopular and busted out some old tricks hope you enjoy.