Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Since I have been going into Albuquerque on Mondays for acting lessons my parents also decided to put me in to drum lessons. They are extremely fun and creative in a way. What is actually really cool is that my teach was a backup drummer for Van Halen and thats all I can remember but among other very famous bands. So if you ever see me on TV or hear me on the the radio youll know why haha, thats not really my goal I just would like to have the ability to relax and play and instrument well and whats more relaxing than the drums. Just kidding and if I happen to get a kit in the near future Ill be sure to post some pictures

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Dog

Ok a new dog just what we need. Its not like the other 8 bother us or anything I think it just gets to the point of........oh who am I kidding this dog is awesome. We picked him up on the side of the road about a week ago. He's and Australian Blue Heeler, we don't know if he is going to stay with us but we have a temporary name for him Frisco since he didn't have any tags. He really gets along well with all the other dogs and especially likes my dog Murphy. If he does have to stay with us I don't think we will mind. As we speak he is sitting on my feet!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grand Parents

For the holidays gram ah and gram pa decided to come out to the land of enchantment for the holidays. They flew in on Tuesday and will be here for two whole weeks. As you can see the dogs and gram pa take a nap after reading lonesome dove. They seem to like New Mexico and the desert is different to them. Also gram ah is having some problems acclimating with the high elevation so hopefully that will go away soon. Ive been showing them around the property and the ruins and today I think I will take them to see the petroglyph's so may the happy holidays come to all!!!!!!!!!

Good Signal

For the holidays one of my presents came early. Courtesy of my mom she got me a new snowboard from this company Signal. The board Is reverse camber.... actually it is the most rocker board on the market. The company Signal is a small company based in southern So-Cal (California). Its rider owned by professional snowboarders. Also the board crafter worked for Mervin snowboards since he was right out of high school so they are really well crafted boards. For my board the Signal Park Rocker It has a three stage rocker a base beetween the bindings and a 10 mm rise after the bindings then flat and then the last tip at the end of the board. Hopefully it is a good board for a good season.

These boots are are made for walkin

The boots finally came in the ones that I won from trans world......there quite colorful. These boots are a limited edition for this year because, The snowboard company Stepchild and the boot company made a collaboration board and boot. I guess I got the boot. Anyways what I hear is that they are A great park boot and really warm. One cool feature on the boot which i'm not to sure how to do is heat to foot beds for memory foam. Sounds good but you need to go to a dealer for it though Which I haven't gotten around to. Hopefully these boots are good luck and I have a good season.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It Worked

If you have been reading my blog you will have noticed that my very first blog was about me snowboarding on a manure pile. The reason being for that is it was a picture to an article that I sent to a snowboard magazine called Transworld snowboarding. The article was about how summer is over and winter is coming and hows some of us just have to improvise when there is no snow. Well long story short they took my article!!!!!!! and since i won letter of the month they sent me a free pair of snowboard boots. this is the picture that they used in the magazine.